
My favourite coffee shop sounds more like a lively bar than a library today. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Ideas and brainstorms fly above my head and I am thoroughly drenched in the noise. Usually I revel in the rain of positive conversations, but today, I suppose, am in no mood to get wet. I guess I love having a quiet sanctuary in a city that grows ever busier with the influx of new families and eager millennials keen on making their mark on the world.
I take a moment and realize I am a millennial eager to make my mark on the world (sips organic Moroccan mint tea).
Ok fine, maybe I just like a little quiet. My job is great, but it involves a lot of verbal and written communication. So for me, coffee shop quiet is a holy, beautiful thing. It's an island in a sea of noise. I love the water, I just get tired of swimming sometimes. #introvertproblems


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