Cafe Friday #6 (part one)

Finally finished, on a Tuesday no less...please enjoy!

For the past couple of weeks I have been back and forth with the bank, the defunct owner of the cafe, our district alderman (with his uppity assistant) and the neighborhood development team bent on gentrifying this area and turning this building into a one of those popular coffee chain places.  Oh, did I mention that this development team includes my other corporate monster of a sister?  Honor, like top of her class, knows every trivia answer smart.  She's always been driven and focused and determined to matter what.  While her and her team's vision does include improvements for the community, they're decidedly more profit driven.  They would rather see this area shiny, new and millennial friendly than rich with original culture and life.

After seeing her at a couple of those meetings, she reached out for a 'chat', as I suspected she would.  Justice asked if I wanted her there for backup, but the last thing I needed was an Adam's family explosion in the middle of whatever place we'd be at.  As the oldest of us girls, Justice can be a mama bear when she needs to.

On the corner of Chestnut St., I walk into what used to be a Jazz and Blues venue back in the day.  Bricks that once absorbed the soulful sounds of musicians and singers from all over, are now swathed in soft pink sheers and adorned with sconces and flowers.  The hostess directs me to Honor, who sits with legs crossed, rocking a sharp black pixie cut and a very expensive blouse.

     "I hope you don't mind me ordering for us", she said, "I'm doing Paleo right now and I didn't want to be tempted by whatever delicious thing you'd find on the menu." she said with a half smile. I tried not to look longingly at the steaming bread baskets on some of the other tables.

     "So, how have you been? Seems like I haven't talked to you for ages!  Are you enjoying your sabbatical from the buildings of brass and glass?"

     "A sabbatical would imply that I would eventually return to the corporate world, Honor.  I have no such intention, as you know.  But I'm doing well, thank you for asking."

     "Well excuse me Ms. Merriam-Webster, all these ten dollar words you use these days, honestly.  Is it a crime to want to have lunch with my sister who I've been seeing so often lately?"  Sometimes when she talks, even when she says normal things, her tone brings to mind sharpened daggers wrapped in fine silk.

     "Let's forgo all the embellished pleasantries sis, what is it that you want exactly?"

     "Fine.  Let's cut to the chase.  You want to help the community, keep things local, save the trees, I get that.  But I also know, you need to make a profit.  You can't keep living off your severance forever, you haven't touched a dime of the trust Grandfather left you and eventually that dizzy roommate of yours will run off with some Prince Charming with a platinum card.  Here's what we're now prepared to offer; if you allow City Brews to come in, completely gut and renew the place, they've agreed to hire and train youth from that neighborhood to work there and even keep on some of the original staff as well.  They'll install a plaque referencing the historical value of Tango's, and donate a generous sum to the Avance Community Center three blocks down.  Best of all, you can be the on site manager, and work closely with the City Brews team to make sure they're owning up to their community commitment.  What are your initial thoughts?  It's an amazing opportunity for everyone involved, I think."

For years my All-State, Valedictorian sister has been able to get what she wants, simply because she demands it.  I mean who can refuse such a beautiful, talented, hilarious and amazing person?  I can.

     "No." I said, after taking a large unsatisfying bite of cauliflower mashed potatoes.


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