Look forward.....

The burdens of logic and reality and facts can be quite a bit to bear for someone more inclined toward  creative and peaceful pursuits. The weight is heavy yet invisible; it manifests in all aspects of life. It’s like trying to adjust to the earth’s gravity after having served on a space station a number of years. I read somewhere that when folks like me get stressed, we dispense with our usual warmth and goodwill and we turn into an odd mix of Spock and Data from Star Trek. Sometimes I feel myself in that mode, it’s just beneath the surface, ready to activate at a moments notice. Now more than ever I understand and desire the benefits of a simple life. One where you eat things that come from the land or the sea, you help your neighbors but you also take care of your own. How about a warm and inviting home, uncluttered and easy to clean; and a community where everyone is safe. I’d be okay with less distractions, less pollution, less traffic and noise; I’d love to be able to see the stars at night. A wise man once sang “You may think that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” I long for the time and place where those dreams are the reality.


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