
I have stepped off the edge
The waters surround my ankles and engulf my legs
The colour of the surf contrasts with the bronze of my skin
Its warmth is inviting
Its sound is like that of a thousand whispers, that of secrets far to grand for me to know
Waist deep I lean backwards and allow myself to be immersed
Granting the azure abyss free reign to take over
And over
And over
Hoping that this sea of salt may cure my madness
Or else flood my mind with some other emotion
Unrelated to missing you.
Perhaps the sea will pour through my breaches, and fill the empty hollows where joy once lived
Perhaps the strong currents might will me away, to someplace beyond the horizons I know
I am eager to un-remember I am anxious to forget
I am keen to bring downright overcome, just numb
To flood my mind with some other emotion
Unrelated to missing you.


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