With You.

I would really like
A rainy day with you.
Tucked in a cafe somewhere
Laughing and dreaming out loud
On passport aspirations
And discussions on Einstein's theories
And various shades of the color blue
And Hip Hop
And classic cars
And memories
And shadows
And exes
And nexus
And the future and whatnot...
I want to walk in the rain with you.
The sound of the droplets
On the nylon taffeta
Of the black umbrella above
The splash of the puddles
From the passing cars
In a vast urban oasis
Our steps in rhythm along the concrete
Yet in a hurry nowhere
Intoxicated by the petrichor
And the scent of your cologne...
I really want a rainy day with you
With hot bowls of pho,
And cold spring rolls
And eye conversations
And secret smiles
And wanders through old book stores
I want the pleasure of your company
A stroll through our mutual labyrinths 
Discussing our thoughts and theories 
On the here
And now 
And beyond.


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