Friday evening (on soldiers, knights and warrior queens)

I have many things to say...but no easy way to say them.  But here I sit in front of this keyboard, hoping to form whole ideas from the nonsense.  I wonder why I write when I'm tired...

In light of and in spite of all this, last week was really...refreshing.  We had a lot of visitors to our congregation last week; cool people who drink wine and love non gas station coffee, people who love being creative and traveling and indie music and appreciate good eats.  They helped remind me that there's a whole world out there of people who actually get me and like my company.  I've decided that all the love vibrations I was saving for others, I'm gonna invest them in myself, and forge a stronger sword (of sorts).  Because the truth is, I'm no mere maiden.  I am a warrior queen of a nomadic tribe of Ancients; at least that's what I'm gonna convince myself I am.


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