
It's so easy to feel trapped by the circumstances that life places you in.  Dwelling under a self-imposed gag order, in an effort to withhold a poisonous truth, one risks suffocating under the weight of it.  Bound under a misplaced sense of loyalty you carry another's burden, while they seem to exist Scott free.  The truth of which, if it were released, would soundly destroy the false image their clueless adorers (or worshipers as the Latin root of the word reveals) have come to love and accept.  Although one holds between their lips the great power of this truth, the authority to exercise that power rests solely with the Creator.  Therefore, under these intense pressures a diamond is formed, and endurance is manifest as a crown of beauty. So though the spirit within groans for vindication and justice immediately, reality will be made manifest in its proper time.  To the revolution of revelation...


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