Letter to my future self

I will write a letter to my future self
In the faith she will be better
And smarter
And more alive and unfettered
And more brilliant than I
With an air of gracious indifference
To the negative talk of others
She will smile and the light of a thousand suns will reflect on all she meets
She will be full of knowledge, a scholar
Educated in the holy books
Her crown will radiate both wisdom
And the texture of silken wool
She will reply to all who inquire
With the tongue of a seasoned diplomat
She will be progressive, exponentially
Her aim will be the stars
She will be fearless, faith driven
Her kindness will not be a liability
She will have the ability and agility to conquer
Each obstacle in her path
My future self will be a teacher, a muse
She will dance. She will love. She will laugh.
I am writing a letter to my future self
To this extraordinary woman
I am most anxious to meet her, so I write her in advance
I am so proud of you, my daughter
You are the sum of my dreams and prayers and haves


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