
I come to you
Smile in tow
Speaking fluently in the tongue of the ancients
Speaking in the manner that we understand
We and those of our tribe
I come to you
Open armed and pleasant
Speaking in the sacred tongue of the ancients
Tilt your head, puzzled
As if you do not understand.
In broken words you respond to me
"My sister queen"
And finish your thoughts and sentences
In that bland and lifeless tongue
Do you prefer to be gentrified
Homogenised and sterilised?
Feigning to be a lightbulb
When you originate with the sun?
I come to you now
Eyes full of purpose
I sing to you in the songs of the ancients
I hope to recall to your memory
The words remembered not
I come to you now
To renew in your mind that you are an Ancient
And the tongue we know
That belongs to our tribe
Must never be forgot


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