Kind Smiles

Some people with kind smiles
Are not looking for a heart mate.
They are looking for an amusement
A diversion of sorts
They are looking for a living and breathing vacation
The person who
Will build them
Perfect worlds
To protect them 
From the unkind realities outside.
Some people with kind smiles
Are not looking for a relationship
They are looking for hospital
A doctor, a nurse
A soft place to land
So they can mend
And promptly check out 
When they are healed
Some people with kind smiles
Are not looking for a companion
They are are looking for Ariadne
A princess of sorts
To help them escape from the labyrinths of their minds
And become persons, progressive and free
And if you,
Kind smile
Are looking for such a person
Then you are not looking 
For me.


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