Music fan first

I have a confession.  Sometimes, I'm reluctant to share music with people.  It comes up in conversation from time to time, "What are you listening to?",  and admittedly I'm never the first one to share, I hesitate.  I'll try to bring up some predictable answer, typical of my age and demographic (who thinks that much, I do), or say an artist that many people already know and have loved for decades.  But I don't often care to share the depth and breadth of what I really love.  Not for lack of trying, mind you. 

Over the years, I have dragged along a few semi-open minded types, eager for "new experiences", to funky trip-hop concerts by local indie bands.  While my real friends were beside me, head nodding and enjoying the electric vibes; the others hung toward the back; overwhelmed, befuddled and ultimately made excuses to go home.  Comically, this is the story of my life. So I've learned to keep my eclectic tastes pretty much to myself, and a few like minded folks who enjoy expanding their musical horizons.

Currently my playlists look like maps of the globe, because I like everything from Punjabi hip-hop to classical versions of pop tunes.  I dig Jazz, as you know, and uptempo tracks from South Africa, Brazil and the West Indies.  I live for Afro-Cuban rhythms and rappers with British accents and I am crazy about opera.  I think in the future, if anyone wants to get to know me, I'm going to send them a playlist of what I'm listening to...and then hope they can groove along.  Ciao.


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