Dreamscape: on Paris and androids

I've been having some pretty odd and vivid dreams lately, on some Alice in Wonderland type stuff. Not sure what's the source of all this colourful reverie, but I figure I'll jot them down for antiquity's sake.
The one from last night began with my grandfather picking me up at our old house, in the red and white truck he had many years ago. Suddenly, this armed man comes out demanding to know where my father is. Grandfather somehow convinces the man that he's looking for the wrong guy, and we drive off unscathed. On the way to our destination, Grandfather tells me that our family is the keeper of a generation of secrets, hidden in plain sight in the newspaper, placed there by a clever scientist from the 1800's. Many people know the existence of the clues, but our family has been entrusted to reveal the secrets at the proper time, apparently in my generation. He drops me off at a library, and I never see him again in the dream. I end up teaming up with the great great grandson of the scientist (who is cute by the way), and we try to keep our discoveries from this posh elitist group who want to discover the secrets and exploit them for some evil gains. We only discover an alternate Eiffel Tower in underground Paris that generates bioluminescence before I wake up. Yeah.
The dream from last week featured me in a world full of advanced human like androids. The few true humans there were, worked in oversight, and if you didn't agree with their ideals, you mysteriously disappeared. So I tried to act like an android in public. Some of the older models recognized that I was "different" and strived to protect me from the oppressors.
So yeah. Apparently I don't just have those normal, tropical island vacation dreams. I have full movies...or either very simple reoccurring ones. Like the dream I am swimming and at peace, or the running on a road through tall grass, or the driving at night under a giant full moon dreams; those I like. Looks like I better learn how to be an author in real life...or a script writer.


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