Half Mask.

It’s late, or early, depending on your viewpoint. The silence of the world around me is deafening, meanwhile my mind is a noisy riot. Sometimes in these hours, you are faced with certain truths you are too busy to confront during the day. Truths that sneak up on you at night, caffeinated and chatty, ready to engage you when you’re supposed to be winding down. If not truths then worries, pre-thinking, needless analyzations etc. and so forth.

I usually make efforts to convince people that I am okay, especially when I’m not. But I’m in a little different mind space right now, and the thought of having to put my mask back on, especially after great efforts have been made to start removing it, that just doesn’t sound like fun to me. We have some visitors coming this week, and in all honesty, I’m nervous about showing them the real me right off. I haven’t done that in a long time, and I’m afraid that they might find my scars unbeautiful. So maybe I’ll wear a half mask and skulk around in the shadows like the phantom of the opera. Worst comes to worst, I can always distract them by dropping a chandelier, right?


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