Thursday Morning (over tea and an oatmeal cookie)

It’s not even the end of the week yet, and I am physically and mentally exhausted.  My adoption of earlier mornings and my lifetime membership in the Night Owls club makes for a wonky mental wonderland to say the least, and all I can think about is the rest of the mountain before me.  So naturally, I escape to a local cafe for tea (not my usual place, but they have good cookies here).  I ended up running into some dear friends of mine who were super encouraging, they had read my previous articles and enjoyed them!  They also encouraged me to up my passport goals and travel more.  I love traveling, and honestly the journey to my destination is often just as fun as getting there.  Last trip I went on was a bus tour to upstate New York and down through Washington D.C. and it was amazing. The mountains covered in a mosaic of autumn colors, the open road and the cool mist of the Hudson contrasted beautifully with the hustle and bustle of D.C.. I fell in love with the city, full of art and street music, delicious food and colorful personalities.

When I travel, I am different fundamentally.  It’s interesting to see what or perhaps who manifests when thousands of miles away from responsibilities and preconceived expectations.  It even seems that beyond the boundaries of my humble town I am actually viewed as attractive; what a novel concept.  Unfortunately travel takes a lot of capital, and that I haven’t got.  So I suppose I will continue to content myself with reruns of Anthony Bourdain on Netflix and borrowed National Geographic mags to ease my adventurousness.

The cafe is beginning to fill with casual business lunches, hangry professionals and millennials looking for organic, gluten free, locally sourced air; I best take my leave before it gets too progressive in here.  Ciao.


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